KZN BMX Giba Race Day

Giba Race Day

The KZN BMX Giba Race Day is taking place at our BMX track this weekend, and everyone is welcome! There will be a KZN Points leg, as well as a Fun Race for those of you just trying the sport out. Come down for a day filled with fun, energy and suspense!

Giba Graze will be open all day for all your fuelling needs!

KZN Points Leg: 8am – 10.30am | Fee: R170pp

Fun Race: 1pm | Fee: R80

Entries can be done online at the links below:

KZN points leg:*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwguGYBhDRARIsAHgRm4-4HglN8ZQV7JEkcIcVhIlFPVvoILFQo8lbVlMi1uA31xCE7Gxe6acaAmIAEALw_wcB

Fun Race:*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwguGYBhDRARIsAHgRm4-4HglN8ZQV7JEkcIcVhIlFPVvoILFQo8lbVlMi1uA31xCE7Gxe6acaAmIAEALw_wcB

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